The all-inclusive retreat fee includes all training materials and activities, 1:1 coaching, videotaped practice sessions and all food and lodging.
Summer 2024 - Pacific Northwest
Last year we went to Italy - this year we will be in the Pacific Northwest for a long-weekend version of our Speaker Master Class. The fun and intensive practice will center on the content and speaking skills most important to you. Need to figure out how to start your speech in a compelling way? Looking to get past any barriers to the kind of presence you want? This bespoke learning program will weave in individual speaker strength assessment, on-camera testing and the space and time to concentrate on it all.
What Is The Speaker Master Class Retreat All About?
It's about you giving yourself the time and space to finally, *finally* take that idea or content you have for a speech and test it with a group of like-minded professional women coming together to work on similar things. The five participants chosen for this retreat will get to build on their existing skills in a beautiful location that provides a dedicated space - far from the demands of their everyday world - to put in the hard and joyful work of getting their speech - the content AND delivery - to a masterful level. This weekend retreat can be taken as a stand-alone event, or can be added as an optional ending for the 8-week Ms.Spoken Speaker Circuit Training Program that begins in Spring 2024.

What Does It Involve
Practice. Lots of practice. You'll walk in the door with some level of content - or at the very least a solid idea - for the speech you have in mind. This may be a future TEDTalk, a professional keynote or just a five-minute rant you plan to give at work one of these days. We'll give you tools and guided support to build and refine your content, combined with real-time practice of your content as you are building it. You will flub up, you will falter. You will refine. You will improve. You'll watch yourself and your fellow retreat speakers on-camera (Bonus: You will make each other stronger too). Some will come with a laundry list of things you want to improve. Some will come carrying a long-lived barrier you've been eager to kick to the curb. Whatever it is you're working on, you'll get a chance to practice it in front of your colleagues and the public as you finish the program by presenting your content in front of an audience.

Who is this for?
This retreat is specifically for those ready to get serious about building (or refining!) that speech you've got in your back pocket. It might be a speech you've been giving for a while that needs a refresh, or an idea that's been waiting in the back of your mind for a process and a format to come to live. While we all have to begin somewhere, this lab is not for beginners. It's also not for anyone who thinks they're already perfect. We've found that those who are curious about their own skills are those who improve the most. It's less about your title, and more about where you are with your desire to get better. There is a unique alchemy in being yourself, being strong and being heard. This lab is all about finding *your* formula for speaking strength.

The Details
Lodging & Dining
Participants will enjoy three nights' lodging at a beautiful resort in the Pacific Northwest. Specifics TBD but costs will be all-inclusive and include lodging, meals and transport from the airport.

Lodging & Dining
Practice Practicalities

Learning Environment
This is no stuffy corporate retreat. You'll be practicing your vocal technique in the outdoors, learning to embody confidence and practicing your stage presence in a variety of spaces. Your final exam will be presenting your content (a speech, a story, a pitch, a rant) in front of an audience who will provide feedback on the elements of your speech that packed the biggest punch. If you can speak in a venue of that scope, you can own any room, anytime.

Application Process
The process begins with an application in which you'll let us know the kind of things you want to work on. We'll have a brief call to answer any questions you have and provide more details about the weekend.
ISelected participants will submit a $1,500 deposit to hold their spot.
Specific timing is TBD but registration will likely close in April or May of 2024.