The Ms.Spoken Speaker Circuit Training
Launching Spring 2024
Advance Your Speaker Skills - Over Time, Under Guidance
Perfecting your speaker skills over time means you can apply the skills you learn week-by-week to your day-to-day so they eventually become part of how you speak.
10 People
The other members of your cohort may have a similar skill and experience level, but because this program is built on a foundation geared to honoring the individual nature of the way we communicate, you will all have different strengths, weaknesses, barriers and goals. What you will all share is a desire to finally - *finally* give yourself the time and space - and most of all, the support - to get the safe-space, tough-love, supportive practice that is only available through an over-time, skill-building, behavior-change program like this.
8 Weeks
Weekly group cohort sessions and bi-weekly private 1:1 coaching give you a safe and supportive space to learn a range of techniques specifically designed to address your unique barriers. Whether you want to speak more concisely, shake off those nerves or learn to deliver a kickass keynote, the mix of discussion, lecture, multimedia examples and custom content will take your speaking skills to the next level. Each week you'll meet with the group, where you'll learn and practice together, and receive a range of tools and custom homework to ensure these skills get absorbed in your everyday world.
Master Class Weekend
In the summer, participants will have the option to add a final step to the program, coming together as a group for the most intensive and rewarding element of this program: An intensive long weekend of connection, personalized coaching and and fun and challenging practice in front of the safest group possible - your fellow cohort members whom you've come to know over the previous weeks. Here you'll graduate with a deep level of confidence based on weeks of consistent practice, coaching, support and custom content.
Taking Applications for Spring 2024
Because we will be doing only one of these cohorts this year, now is the time to start thinking about whether you'd like to be a part of the Ms.Spoken 8-Week Speaker Circuit Training.
Cohort members for the Spring 2024 program will be chosen by February 15.
NOTE: We have also begun to receive inquiries about whether there will be another standalone four-day Italy Retreat. If there is enough interest we may do another of these outside of the 8-week Circuit Training. Fill out the contact form below if you'd like to be on the invite list for either!